Real BIO Initiative
Guaranteed organic!
We have been a recognized organic farm since 2015. With that we saynoon genetic engineering, chemical-synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
In this way we can guarantee that our harvest is free of chemicals and genetic engineering.
Due to their rough surface, strawberries are particularly susceptible to the accumulation of pesticides. In Bioland cultivation, chemical-synthetic plant protection and mineral nitrogen fertilizers are completely dispensed with. Instead, we fight weeds by hand and use organic fertilizers in a targeted manner.
Here you can find more information about the 7 Bioland principles:
Seven Principles for Future Farming (2.8MB)
Organic means added value for people, animals and nature!
On our farm, we not only live the path of organic farming according to the EU organic directive, we also go one step further:
Our farm has been Demeter certified since the beginning of 2020!
The main advantages of Demeter are:
Conversion of the entire company.
Compulsory animal husbandry for farms or at least cooperation with exchange of fodder and manure.
100% of the feed must be organic feed. 2/3 of the total feed used must be Demeter, for ruminants the Demeter share must be 80%. At least 50% of the feed must come from your own farm or from a cooperative farm.
No painful dehorning of the cows.
Use of biological-dynamic preparations made from herbs, minerals and cow dung.
Own varieties and breeding work in the field of grain, vegetables and poultry. In the case of cereals, only fixed varieties may be used, hybrid varieties are excluded. In general, no varieties from cell fusion technology may be used.
Only a few absolutely necessary additives and processing aids are allowed in processing. Iodisation, nitrite curing salt and so-called natural aromas are prohibited. Only aroma extracts are permitted. The EU organic regulation still allows additives that are taboo at Demeter.


Berry brothers - Demeter certificate
Demeter eV is the oldest organic association in Germany. Demeter farmers have been cultivating their fields biodynamically since 1924. Due to the lively circular economy, Demeter agriculture is considered the most sustainable form of land management and goes far beyond the requirements of the EU organic regulation.
Beeren Brothers GbR - organic certificate
There has been a European standard since 1991 that defines how a product must be produced and processed so that it can be sold as an organic or eco product. Products marked with the organic seal must be checked at least once a year. Compliance with the EC Organic Regulation is a prerequisite for becoming a member of an organic association such as Bioland.
Beer Brothers - Bioland certificate
The association for organic-biological farming Bioland eV was founded in 1971 by dedicated farmers. It is the largest German organic farming association. The pioneers pursued the goal of being free and independent. They developed a holistic organic farming movement as an alternative to intensive agriculture dependent on industry and outside capital. With around 6,000 organic farmers and around 1,000 food manufacturers, Bioland is the most important association of organic farms in Germany.
Beeren brothers - Naturland certificate
Along with Demeter and Bioland, Naturland is one of the most important certification organizations for quality in organic farming. The label was founded in 1982 by scientists, farmers and consumers with the aim of promoting organic farming worldwide.
With more than 53,000 members worldwide, Naturland is one of the largest organic farming associations. In Germany, over 2,600 agricultural and 600 processing companies are certified.
Berry brothers - QS GAP certificate
QS stands for "Quality and Safety" - an alliance for tested quality assurance at all stages of food production: from the stable or field to the shop counter. QS operates a cross-stage quality assurance through consistent documentation and compliance with binding product and process specifications.
Since the beginning of 2006 there has also been the QS-GAP mark, which arose from benchmarking (mutual recognition) by QS and GLOBALGAP in the areas of fruit, vegetables and potatoes. QS-GAP thus takes the place of so-called "combined audits": QS-GAP-certified producers automatically also meet the requirements of GLOBALGAP and vice versa.
German agriculture